Definition of terms used
a0 = Relative open surface
a1 = 1st external dimension of plate (width of plate)
a2 = Dimension of perforated area parallel dimension a1
b1 = 2nd external dimension of plate (length of plate)
b2 = Dimension of perforated area parallel dimension b1
c = Width of bridge
c1 = Width of side bridge - long hole
c2 = Width of end bridge - long hole
e1, e2 = Width of plain margin parallel to long side
f1, f2 = Width of plain margin parallel to small side
l = Length of hole
s = Thickness of plate
t = Spacing
t1 = Side pitch - long hole
t2 = End pitch - long hole
w = Size of hole
DF Lochbleche GmbH & Co KG
Franz-Meguin-Straße 20
D-66763 Dillingen
Tel +49 6831 7003-0
Fax +49 6831 704076